Friday, August 1, 2008

Why is it so hard to acknowledge we aren't perfect? And why do I think men don't have the same problem. I was talking to a good friend last night and we've both been going through some difficult times. We're in completely different seasons of our lives, but both needing to cry and vent. She's embarrassed and frustrated and so am I!
At mommy groups (at least at mine) it seems the talk is usually about how great the kids are and how wonderful marraiges are and even how supportive and wonderful the husbands are. Really? Everything is super great? I have my doubts, but it seems to be much easier to focus on the positive and even exaggerate just how wonderful things are. Why? Wouldn't it be more productive to share about our "real" lives? Who better to learn and grow with than other women?!
It seems easy to discuss how the images of women in media adversely effect the self images and self esteem of our young girls, but what about the distorted view of our "perfect" selves we convey to other women? What kind of negative effect does this have on women everywhere?
I'm so grateful to have at least two strong and wonderful women in my life I can be myself with. Thanks for listening and letting me know it's okay not to be perfect!

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